Dr. Elaine Yuen is a contemplative educator, chaplain, and artist. Formerly Chair of the Wisdom Traditions Department and Professor at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, she continues to teach and write on pastoral caregiving (chaplaincy), contemplative education, and Buddhist studies. She hails from Philadelphia where she was an associate professor, researcher, and interfaith chaplain at Thomas Jefferson University.
Elaine has been trained as a healthcare chaplain, and is also a meditation teacher and Upadhyaya (Buddhist Minister) in the Shambhala Buddhist tradition, trained by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Elaine enjoys discovering the creative impulse within life’s many activities, be they making pieces of art, caring for elders at the end-of-life, or brewing a proper cup of tea. Her programs often consider the interfaces between the creative impulse and meditation, Buddhism, and contemplative care-giving.