It’s been a summer of visiting family and friends – a welcome break to see my boys and grandchildren as well as my friend Cathy in New England. I also got to visit with my sister in New Jersey and go to the Rubin Museum in NYC. I loved Tsherin Sherpa’s large “post-modern” paintings that viewed traditional iconography through a fragmented lens. Said so much about the state of our world (and our being) these days. It’s been a time for personal practice, as well as contemplation on motivation and what makes a genuine path.

I’d like to invite you to an online course I’m teaching on the Buddhist Journey through the Philadelphia Shambhala Center this fall. This two-part course will explore the transformational aspects of teachings and practices of the Buddhist Path within the context of history, texts and traditions. Beginning with insights into how humans generate confusion and habitual patterns, we will explore how those insights become the foundation for compassion and skillful means to work with others in contemporary contexts. Check out details and registration here!